Below are some photos that our customers have been kind enough to share with us. We thought you might enjoy seeing the great results they've achieved. We would enjoy seeing photos of your completed Frenchman River Model Works kits. You may find your achievements posted here for all to enjoy. Please send your photos to: [email protected]

Built by Norm Charbonneau, Northville, MI

Built by Louis Nigro, Crossville, TN

"Thought I would share a picture of my recently finished '56 Fishing Boat. I enjoyed building this one, especially the quality of the resin. It was easy to cleanup and had only a few spots that needed to be filled. Thanks for a nice product." -Lou

Built by Regis Carr, Brooks, Georgia

"I have exercised "modeler's license" such that the "Wharf Rat" tugboat's railings and ladders were fashioned out of brass rod, for the lifeboat's tarp some medical bandaging of the "Micropore" brand from the 3M company was used, perforations were drilled on the bow to effectively hang the rope fender, on the water cannon a hole was drilled on the tip of the spout, and a simple cabin interior with crewmen was scratch built. The two track station carfloat was also modified such that for ease of operation the roof was omitted (Ha, ha! Not prototypical, but the hobby police has no jurisdiction in my pike!), the station loading deck was somewhat shortened and was covered with wooden planks. As for painting details like the lifesaver and the hose, nothing beats a 5/0 fine tip brush, patience and some retouches. By the way, the year is 1956 so the flag on the mast has 48 stars. You have laid the code 100 tracks on the carfloat and float bridge very nicely, such that there was no problem matching them to the code 70 rails on the rest of the layout."
~Omar Dengo
Boston, Massachusetts / Moravia, Costa Rica

Built by Steve Plague
Grosse Point Park, Michigan

"Hello, I just wanted to say your product worked out great for my project. ...[following] the instructions you provided it really worked out well with a little patience. Yes, they are delicate pieces. But that is what makes them stand out and truly look like a scale fence... ~Best Regards: Steve"

Built by Peter Riddle
Wolfville, Nova Scotia Canada

Built by Greg Matthew

Build-With-Me Series
New Tracks Modeling Show

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