O/On30 1:48 Scale Downtown Barber/Tobacconist Shops
Designed and produced by James and Anna Cleveland
Frenchman River Model Works
There are many small businesses along the Main Street of Stinkwater Crik. Among them you'll find Lasater's Tobacconist and Whipple's Barber Shops. Lasater's Tobacconist Shop is a local landmark supplying tobacco products of every kind. Mr. Lasater, the proprietor, and his family live in the apartment above the store. In the back of the shop is a sampling room where fine tobacco flavors can be explored. Next door you'll find Whipple's Barber Shop which boasts the closest shave and best haircuts in the county. Mr. Whipple is known for his keen sense of humor and sympathetic ear.
Although these are small buildings, they are loaded with character and detail. This set of brick buildings can be built with the barber shop on the left or right of the tobacconist. The tobacconist is a two story building with a wood storefront that boasts ornate glass windows, columns, cornice details and a fire escape. The barber shop is a three sided building meant to share the adjoining wall with the building next door. It is a brick building with a wood store front and glass block details. The skylight on the roof gives an unexpected extra detail. This skylight, along with the large front windows, allows for great interior detailing opportunities. Decals and signs round this set of buildings out nicely.
This photo show the HO 1:87 Scale kit. The O/On30 1:48 Scale will be similar. This kit is scheduled to begin shipping by June 30, 2024